Starting in 2015, Fleuroselect annually nominates a flower and vegetable of the year in the ‘Plant of the Year’ campaign. The intention of this campaign is to raise awareness of specific crops for home gardening, while showing the wide choice of varieties available to the consumer.
Marketing Materials
Bespoke marketing materials are created to support breeders, distributors and retailers with their promotional activities. The Visual Guidelines include an overview of inspirational photography as well as logos in various languages. By using these assets, they are not only able to support this promotion initiative, but also enhance their personalised label, seed packet, advertisement and social media post.
Displays in renowned gardens
Our esteemed partners—RHS Hyde Hall, Wisley, Bridgewater & Harlow Carr in the U.K., Blumeninsel Mainau and Egapark in Germany, De Garden in the Netherlands, Jardin des Plantes in France, and TEAGASC in Dublin, Ireland—are eager to welcome you to welcome you for the 'Plant of the Year' initiative. You can find the addresses below;
- De Garden
Randweg, 1601 SR Enkhuizen
The Netherlands - RHS Garden Bridgewater
Occupation Road
M28 2LJ
United Kingdom - RHS Garden Wisley
Wisley Ln, Wisley,
Woking GU23 6QB
United Kingdom - RHS Garden Harlow Carr
North Yorkshire HG3 1QB
United Kingdom - RHS Hyde Hall
RHS Garden Hyde Hall
Essex CM3 8ET
United Kingdom - Egapark Erfurt
Gothaer Straße 38
99094 Erfurt
Germany - Mainau GmbH
Park Garten Forst
78465 Insel Mainau
Germany - Teagasc
Dublin 15
Ireland - Jardin des Plantes
75005 Paris
‘2015 - Year of the Sunflower’
‘2016 - Year of the Cosmos/Tomato’
‘2017 - Year of the Zinnia/Bean’
‘2018 - Year of the Pepper/Marigold’
‘2019 - Year of the Tropaeolum/Carrot’
‘2020 - Year of the Rudbeckia/Cucumber’
‘2021 - Year of the Calendula & Courgette’
‘2022 - Year of the Poppy & Basil’
‘2023 - Year of the Salvia & Sage’
‘2024 - Year of the Sunflower & Lettuce’
Future plans for Plant of the Year initiative
We are delighted to share with you a sneak peek of the initiatives planned for the upcoming years:
'2024 | Sunflowers & Salad'
'2025 | Begonia & Pea'
'2026 | Ornamental Grasses & Radish'
'2027 | Zinnia & Parsley'
'2028 | Tagetes & Tomato'