15 June 2017

FleuroStar Evening Event


15 June 2017


Beekenkamp FlowerTrials Location, Netherlands


Which introduction will become the new Winner with the Wow-Factor? Join us for the 2017 FleuroStar Winner announcement at a dedicated Evening Event on Thursday 15th June from 17.00 hrs to 21.30 hrs at the Beekenkamp FlowerTrials location in Maasdijk (NL).


Which introduction will become the new Winner with the Wow-Factor?

Join us for the 2017 FleuroStar Winner announcement at a dedicated Evening Event on Thursday 15th June from 17.00 hrs to 21.30 hrs at the Beekenkamp FlowerTrials location in Maasdijk (NL).

These 5 top varieties are vying to succeed last year's winner Begonia Miss Malibu:

  • Dahlia LaBella® Maggiore Rose Bicolour | Beekenkamp
  • Calibrachoa Conga Sunset Kiss | Florensis
  • Helianthus interspecific SunfinityTM | Syngenta Flowers
  • Pepper Red-Mamba F1 | Prudac
  • Calibrachoa PinkTastic | Selecta one

Invitation Template Visual small 2 website

During the FlowerTrials, these newcomers will be on display at Beekenkamp, Benary, Dümmen Orange, Florensis, Grünewald, PanAmerican Seed/Kieft Seed, Takii (Fleuroselect stand), Sakata Ornamentals, Syngenta Floripro Services and Selecta one (DE) and our expert jury of over 30 professionals, from breeders and producers over traders and journalists to buyers and marketing experts, will visit one or more of the locations to cast a vote.

On Thursday 15th of June, you are invited to arrive from 17.00 hrs. A welcome cocktail is served in Beekenkamp's outdoor trials - transport will be provided from the main building. At 18.00 hrs. a walking dinner is served inside the main building. After dinner, the Award Ceremony hosted by Simone van Trier kicks off with the success story of 2016 Winner Begonia Miss Malibu, followed by the presentation of the 2017 candidate varieties. Cor Molenaar, Professor and Consultant in E-Commerce and Customer Relationship Management, will present an expert view on the future of retail, more than appropriate as the main criteria for selecting the FleuroStar winner is its wow power at point of sale. The final moments will be handed over to announcing the new FleuroStar Winner.

Join us at this Evening Event and find out first-hand who will become the new FleuroStar Winner for 2017. You are invited to register online before 1st June.



17.00 - 18.00 hrs: Arrivals for Drinks Reception in the Beekenkamp outdoor trials - Transport provided from the main entrance
18.00 - 19.30 hrs: Drinks, Walking Dinner and Networking in the main building
19.30 - 20.45 hrs: Official Programme - Success story Miss Malibu 2016, Presentation Entries, Cor Molenaar on the Future of Retail, Announcement Winner
20.45 - 21.30 hrs: Dessert, Drinks and Networking