Coreopsis tinctoria, Lavandula angustifolia, Lobelia erinus, Salvia splendens, Silene keiskei, Tagetes erecta, Tropaeolum minus, Verbena tenuisecta, Dahlia pinnata, Lupinus polyphyllus, Cosmos bipinnatus, Zinnia elegans... Our Annual Trial was a myriad of innovative plant shapes and exciting colours!
Which entries excelled with unique traits and outstanding garden performance, and convinced the jury to award them with a Gold Medal? Which new varieties were sufficiently innovative and uniform to obtain the Approved Novelty label?
Find out first-hand during a short Livestream on 16th January at 16.30 hrs (GMT+1). In a 20-minute programme, we will chase away the winter cold and bring in some summer nostalgia. We will hear from our new president Marc Driessen and our experts from the Entries & Evaluations Committee, look back to the previous trial year, present the Approved Novelties that resulted from this trial and finally reveal the new Gold Medal winners.