1 July to 30 September 2020

Rudbeckia Trials across Europe


1 July to 30 September 2020


Germany, U.K., France, Ireland


Within the framework of the '2020, Year of the Rudbeckia’ campaign, we planned 6 trials with our star plant of the year. 83 entries are submitted and showcased at Ega Park in Erfurt, Germany, RHS Harlow Carr and RHS Hyde Hall in the U.K., Blumeninsel Mainau in Germany, Jardin des Plantes in Paris, France and Teagasc in Dublin, Ireland.

Within the framework of the '2020, Year of the Rudbeckia’ campaign, we planned 6 trials with our star plant of the year. 83 entries are submitted and showcased at:
• Ega Park in Erfurt, Germany
• RHS Harlow Carr and RHS Hyde Hall in the U.K.
• Blumeninsel Mainau in Germany 
• Jardin des Plantes in Paris, France
• Teagasc in Dublin, Ireland

Ega Park

Normally we plan organised tours in both the U.K. and Germany to see the Plant of the Year trials. With the restrictions in place this year, we are not able to plan an organised visit. We do however invite you to view these magnificent trials. Contact the gardens directly for an appointment, or let us know so that we can help you set up an appointment with the curator.