Fleuroselect, the international organisation for the ornamental plants industry, is proud to announce that the FleuroStar Award 2016/17 goes to Begonia hybrid Miss Malibu from Dümmen Orange. Nadine Rijk, Breeder of Miss Malibu, and Josep Maria Padrosa Benet, Product Manager, accepted the prize from FleuroStar Committee Chairman Heike Gronemann and Sally van der Horst, Secretary General of Fleuroselect.
Heike Gronemann, Sally van der Horst, Nadine Rijk, Josep Maria Padrosa Benet - Photo: Tuinbouwcommunicatie
The new 'Winner with the Wow Factor' was announced at the Green Inspiration Event on Thursday 16 June in Amsterdam (NL). This networking event is organised by the Dutch media agency Tuinbouwcommunicatie in cooperation with Fleuroselect.
Miss Malibu from Dümmen Orange was competing against Argyranthemum Grandaisy® Yellow (Moerheim New Plant), Dahlia Dahlegria Red Yellow Bicolor (Florensis), Dianthus caryophyllus Capitán Colón (Selecta one) and GineTato®/Egg&Chips® (Beekenkamp/Thompson&Morgan).
Miss Malibu, a tropical taste in beautiful Begonia
With its massive dark pink blasts of colour, Miss Malibu brings flavour to the garden. This FleuroStar Winner displays a wealth of huge double flowers that simply cannot be overlooked in the garden centre. Thanks to its semi-trailing plant habit, this miss is perfectly suited for containers, hanging baskets and bedding schemes. Consumers will love this excellent garden performer which provides continuous colour throughout the summer until the first frosts.
Intratuin and Obi join FleuroStar Jury
Over 30 professionals in breeding, production, trade and retail as well as journalists and marketing specialists evaluate each entry on point of sale attractiveness and commercial potential.
New jury members this year include André Henseler, senior Product Range Manager for Obi, Lau van der Hoorn, Category Manager Annual Plants for Intratuin, András Treer, General Manager FloraHungaria and Peter van Leth, ornamental specialist of the Dutch trade publication Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij.
Worthy Winner's Package
The new FleuroStar winner will receive considerable marketing support. TuinbouwCommunicatie offers an advertising campaign worth EUR 3000. The Dutch marketing agency Pull Position presents a tailor made promotion project at retail level worth EUR 1500. DeschPlantPak offers the FleuroStar Winner a two page spread in the Colour Your Story brochure.
Next to conducting an international press campaign, Fleuroselect promotes the new winner at trade fairs and industry events. Furthermore, the Organisation provides ready-to-use marketing materials including lifestyle photos, a promotion video and leaflets, as well as ongoing promotion support.