Which new variety will succeed Begonia elatior MacaRouge from Beekenkamp?Fleuroselect proudly presents the five entries in this year's FleuroStar Contest. Each of these novelties is hoping to be hailed as the next 'Winner with the Wow Factor', the variety with the highest visual impact at point of sale.
Dahlia x hybrida
Syngenta Flowers
For giant and dazzling, meet Sincerity from Syngenta Flowers. This new Dahlia’s fully double flowers can reach a diameter of over 20 cm! Sincerity features a multitude of early blooms showcasing large pink and white bi-color flowers with just a touch of yellow at their centre. This newcomer is compact and well-branched, providing a well-shaped backdrop for the showy blooms. Displaying best in mid to late summer and early fall, this Dahlia is a smart choice for landscaping and large planters, or to fill the first holes in perennial borders. Sincerity is an excellent garden performer with massive colour impact that will convince retail and consumers.
Dahlia Sincerity: the king-sized flower!
Digitalis x hybrida
Always dreamt of recreating that lush look in your green space? Well, look no further. Digitalis x hybrida Panther will be a roaring success thanks to a bushy habit with numerous shoots and flowers. The elegant pink spikes immediately catch the eye while the spotted flower throat with it bold animal pattern gives away the name. This newcomer flowers continuously from early spring to late autumn and attracts pollinators to the garden. Being the first sterile F1 Digitalis from seed, the plant will not reseed itself. The sleek Panther has a compact growth habit reaching a medium height up to 50 – 90 cm and is perfect for large pots or bedding.
Panther, ready to pounce on the perfect spot in your patio or garden.
Petunia x hybrida
Mystical® Midnight Gold
Do you dare to be different? Make a real statement with Petunia Mystical® Midnight Gold. This new introduction features deep purple, almost black double blooms with contrasting lemon borders. The abundance of petals makes each flower look almost like a mini rose. Midnight Gold is a robust plant with exceptional branching. Its profusion of glorious blooms looks wonderful cascading from hanging baskets or containers. In the beds, Mystical® Midnight Gold provides a carpet of blooming, one-of-a-kind colour. The unique colour combination will absolutely stand out on the benches and for consumers who want to differentiate their garden or balcony, Mystical® Midnight Gold is a smart choice.
Mystical® Midnight Gold, for a trendy and modern green space.
Petunia x hybrida
Shock Wave® Purple Tie Dye
PanAmerican Seed
Petunia hanging baskets are taken to the next level with Shock Wave® Purple Tie Dye! Each plant is blanketed with masses of petite, high-impact flowers while varying temperatures and light conditions will continually create a spectacular assortment of purple, blue and white patterns. Shock Wave® Purple Tie Dye performs equally well in small spaces, baskets, containers, and mixed combos. This trendy Petunia rebounds quickly from the rain and will look fresh again immediately after rain showers. Growers will be impressed by these uniform performers that are as easy to produce as EasyWave. Retail and consumers will be amazed by the high flower count and the ever-changing colour variation.
Shock Wave® Purple Tie Dye, a different basket every day
Main Street Hollywood Boulevard
Dümmen Orange
Make way for some freaky foliage! Solenostemon Main Street Hollywood Boulevard adds a hint of urban jungle flair to your patio or balcony. The burgundy leaves with magenta pattern in the centre and bright green outer rim absolutely catch the eye. This Coleus can make a true statement as a stand-alone item but is also the perfect complement for flowering ornamentals in mixed containers. Main Street Hollywood Boulevard is very easy to handle, available all-year round and suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. This newcomer will convince retail with excellent shelf life whereas consumers will be impressed with its excellent garden performance.
Main Street Hollywood Boulevard, the leafy star for your green space.
FleuroStar in times of Corona
Due to the ongoing situation related to COVID-19, the FlowerTrials have been cancelled and the FleuroStar Contest as we know it at 9 locations cannot take place this year. Therefore, a digital edition is organised: all candidate and winner promotion will take place via the trade media and social channels. An online 2020 contest will ensure the continuity of what has become a landmark event in ornamentals, while adapting the concept to the current new reality.
Expert Jury
Over 30 professionals from a cross-section of breeding, production and retail as well as trade journalists and marketing specialists choose the Winner with the Wow factor. This year, one candidate plant line-up is foreseen on Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10th of June at Takii. Judges will be invited to cast their vote on appointment, either in person or by Zoom.
The winner is the variety with the highest average score on commercial potential and point of sale attractiveness.