After winning the coveted FleuroStar Award during the FlowerTrials in June, Begonia MacaRouge is gearing up for the upcoming pot and bedding plant season.
Images in high resolution: MacaRouge garden setting; Marc Driessen
Breeder Beekenkamp Ornamentals has upscaled its cutting and young plant production to meet with the high demand following last summer's media attention wave. High-level marketing materials including an inspirational DIY Video, social media messaging and exciting trade fair displays are being prepared to kick-start MacaRouge's introduction to the international market.
Marc Driessen, Director Ornamentals at Beekenkamp: "Winning FleuroStar was a big reward for the efforts Beekenkamp has been undertaking in the field of breeding. Excellent genetics and high product quality are key to remain at the top in the long term. The success of Begonia MacaRouge and its sister MacaRose perfectly illustrates the potential Beekenkamp has in breeding its own lines. I am excited about the commercial path MacaRouge is taking and together with Fleuroselect we are looking forward to presenting it to the industry next week at the Aalsmeer Trade Fair.