Fleuroselect Medal Winner Dalli enriches the annual flower assortment by its scarlet red flowers, which contrast expressively with the golden flower base. Its superb colour and long flowering period create new markets for this extra compact Eschscholtzia.
In detail
The Fleuroselect Medal Winner Dalli differs from other Eschscholtzia in its compact growth and superb colour. Its folded flower petals and long lasting floridity decorate the garden till the end of summer. The colour combination of scarlet flower petals on a golden base really catches the eye. Home gardeners can do wonderful things with Dalli. Sowing outdoors in April or May and growing at 25-30 cm. distance in a sunny place, there will be no difficulty. Dalli just prefers a well drained soil. It rewards the home gardener with a flush of blooms. He will be surprised by the discovery of growing Eschscholtzia on its own in the garden and on the balcony. Eschscholtzia californica or Californian Poppy is a rather unknown bedding plant, which deserves better recognition. Especially Dalli opens horizons for this bedding plant in the existing assortment and applications. Like former Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winner Coreopsis grandiflora Early Sunrise, Dalli provides a welcome addition and change to the range of summer flowers. This break-through in breeding different species comes at the right moment. Grow Eschscholtzia Californica Dalli in a flower bed with yellow Coreopsis Early Sunrise and white Cosmos bipinnatus Sonata behind it. Add some Lobelia Compliment Scarlet for perfection and wait for the summer!