Prunella grandiflora Freelander Mixture

Gold Medal

Prunella grandiflora is available as a perennial in different parts of the world. With the new Freelander series, Prunella grandiflora appears for the first time in the category first year flowering perennials. This new series includes the colours white, blue and pink and for its early flowering as well as its good pack performance, the Fleuroselect judges awarded Prunella grandiflora Freelander Mixture with a Gold Medal 2006.

In detail

Prunella grandiflora is native to Europe. The plant originates in mountainous areas such as the Alps and the Dolomites. In the wild the colour of the flowers is usually violet blue. The cultivated varieties, however, are available in different colours such as pink, blue and white. These same colours can be found in the first year flowering Freelander series. These start to flower as early as May. This means that the series can be offered a lot sooner in the season than the more common perennial Prunella grandiflora, until now the only Prunella on the market. For the Fleuroselect judges this was reason enough to award Freelander Mixture the Gold Medal 2006. In judging this new 'annual' prunella each of the judges had their own thoughts. One especially noticed the compact habit, whilst another did not just see that 'Freelander Mixture' flowers really early but also noticed the profuseness of its flowering. A third member of the panel of judges foresees a future as a pot plant for this new series. Prunella grandiflora is a labiatae. Within the genus labiatae, this plant is surrounded by a whole host of plants that are well known in horticulture such as Coleus, Lavandula, Thymus, Lamium, Salvia and Stachys. Of this list, Lavandula and Salvia are already well represented in the category first year flowering perennials. This has contributed to these plants becoming even more popular. Freelander could make Prunella grandiflora just as popular. Because of its compact and basal branching habit, Freelander Mixture is well suited for use as a ground covering plant edging the border or in the rock garden. The only requirement for success is a well-drained moist soil. Prunella grandiflora will look its best in a sunny position that also gets some shade.

Technical information

Novelty Characteristic:
First year flowering Prunella grandiflora, very early flowering and well presented on tray.
Pink, blue and white mixed
Single, 2 cm diameter
Flowering Period:
May to October, 100-110 days from sowing
First year flowering perennial
Bedding and pot plant
1100 seeds per gram
15 cm high, 15 cm spread, basal branching.

Sow in February at a temperature of 18°C

Propagate at 15°C, after 6 weeks transfer to for example an 8 cm pot. After potting at 12°C to 15°C grow into a plant ready for delivery. Growth regulation not needed. Plant in April, preferably in not too heavy soil in a semi-shaded position. Planting d

Registration details

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