Garden Sun introduces a new separate colour to bedding plant Gazania: deep gold shading to an orange center. The hybrid plants flower extremely freely from an early start until the first frosts and are so uniform that they provide a carpet of colour.
In detail
The first winner of the new style Fleuroselect Gold Medal is this beautiful deep golden Gazania Garden Sun. An early flowering and long lasting annual that provides the garden with the glow of a golden sun, throughout summer and early autumn. Considering the compact size of the plants, the single blooms ate comparatively large, measuring 7,5 cm. across. Deep golden with orange centres, they are held nicely above the deep green foliage. The freedom and uniformity of flowering gives the impression of a carpet of colour. Professional growers will produce a finished product in early May, if they sow at the beginning of January and transplant into pots (9 cm.) or packs (24 or 16) 3 weeks later. Growth retardants are normaly not necessary. Home gardeners can raise the Gazanias easily, though they will take longer to flower at lower temperatures. Bedding plants will also be available for purchase at planting time. The plants should be planted out at the same time as other summer bedding plants (they will stand light frost). Gazania Garden Sun prefers full sun and performs outstandingly in warm places, so it is ideal for the patio.