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Tagetes patula Orange Jacket

Gold Medal

Orange Jacket is a large flowered crested marigold with outstanding garden performance. Its clear orange blooms appear extra early and continue through the summer in great profusion.

In Detail

Chosen for its outstanding garden performance by Fleuroselect judges throughout Western Europe, 'Orange Jacket' produces neatly crested large blooms earlier than other orange marigolds. The compact plants continue to generate a profusion of buds and flowers until late in the season. In trials under very varied conditions, 'Orange Jacket 'was compared to the best existing varieties of crested orange marigold. The high marks for freedom of flowering, earliness and flower size led to the Fleuroselect Award. The 5cm diameter clear orange blooms perfectly match those of sister variety Yellow Jacket which received a Fleuroselect Award in 1982. And the 25 to 30cm high plants are just as even. As a young plant, Orange Jacket is very uniform and holds its first flowers for a long time: it will be of great interest to bedding plant producers. Like all marigolds, it is easy to grow. In flower beds, Orange Jacket associates well with Yellow Jacket for a bold display of colour. In patio tubs and window boxes it is particularly valuable because it commences flowering so early and will continue nearly all summer.

Technical information

Bright orange
Bedding plant
350 seeds per gram, 5 grams for 1000 plants, 80% germination
25 to 30 cm high

Treat as other marigold varieties

Treat as other marigold varieties

Registration details

PanAmerican Seed
Entry number:
Protection Period:
0 years