Lavatera trimestris Tanagra

Gold Medal

When trialed in 1971 Tangara was judged to be a perceptible improvement the flowers being bigger than the varieties available at that time. It is compact and stands erect thanks to the rigidness of its stems. Sown in spring, it flowers unceasingly from July to September. A hardy annual, it adapts itself to any soil and any condition (sun or shadow).


Lavatera is easily grown and is therefore an ideal plant for the amateur gardener. Sown in spring it flowers unceasingly from July until into September. Lavatera is very adaptable and will grow well in various latitudes and climates. Very hardy, it accepts any soil or position (sun or shade) and will flower prolifically everywhere if watered regularly during the Summer. In 1971 'Tanagra' was a marked improvement on all known varieties of Lavatera. It grows to a height of approx. 2-2,5 ft. and has a more compact habit than existing varieties. It stands erect due to the rigidity of the stems. 'Tanagra' has much larger flowers than the current varieties and the blooms are of a magnificent deep-carmine colour. The plants flower profusely throughout the Summer and on into Autumn. 'Tanagra' is a very worth-while annual for the border, against shrubs or as a background planting in larger flowerbeds. When cut, the flowers last several days and the buds continue to open. All these qualities have led to 'Tanagra' being given an Award in the Fleuroselect Trials.

Technical information

Novelty Characteristic:
Long flowering period
Carmine red
3-4 inch across
Flowering Period:
August until October
Normal shape, of larger size than in diploid type
Border plant
Height: 0,80 m. 3,5-4 ft, fairly compact with dark green foliage, tall branching

Sow directly into the open ground when frost danger still exists.

Hardiness: half-hardy (some resistance to frost)

Registration details

Entry number:
Protection Period:
0 years