Helenium autumnale Western Mixture

Gold Medal Approved Novelty

Like the sun setting over the desert, Helenium autumnale Western Mixture will embrace any border with a yellow-red glow from summer until the very end of autumn. This highly floriferous perennial is dwarfer, compact and early flowering. Thanks to its true branching habit, Western Mixture offers masses of stunning yellow, red and bicolour red/yellow flowers. Being a late summer, early autumn bloomer, this beauty offers additional selling possibilities in ‘after-holiday’ assortments.

Like the sun setting over the desert, Helenium
autumnale Western Mixture will embrace any border
with a yellow-red glow from summer until the very
end of autumn. This highly floriferous perennial is
dwarfer, compact and early flowering. Thanks to
its true branching habit, Western Mixture offers
masses of stunning yellow, red and bicolour
red/yellow flowers. Being a late summer, early
autumn bloomer, this beauty offers additional
selling possibilities in ‘after-holiday’ assortments.Like the sun setting over the desert, Helenium
autumnale Western Mixture will embrace any border
with a yellow-red glow from summer until the very
end of autumn. This highly floriferous perennial is
dwarfer, compact and early flowering. Thanks to
its true branching habit, Western Mixture offers
masses of stunning yellow, red and bicolour
red/yellow flowers. Being a late summer, early
autumn bloomer, this beauty offers additional
selling possibilities in ‘after-holiday’ assortments.

In detail

Fleuroselect awards a Gold Medal to great achievements in breeding. According to the jury, Western Mixture is a genuine improvement in terms of colour range and growing habit. The mixture of yellow, red and bicolour yellow/red flowers are a great addition to the existing colour schemes. This autumn perennial thrives well in sunny borders, cottage and wild gardens. Its dwarf, compact and true branching habit provides many advantages on grower and retail level. Therefore, the Fleuroselect jury found that Helenium autumnale Western Mixture merits a 2016 Gold Medal.

Market value 

Helenium autumnale Western Mixture will be highly appreciated by growers for its early flowering and better branching, allowing this variety to be grown in a wider range of pots. Although not required, cutting back plants will reduce plant height and encourage branching, thus leading to a more floriferous bloom and healthier foliage. Remove spent flowers to encourage additional bloom. Retailers will easily sell Western Mixture because of the nice flame colours. Its compactness enables efficient transport. Consumers will love this fantastic garden performer that thrives even in difficult conditions.

Background information

Helenium autumnale is a flowering plant native to North America. Its common name is sneezeweed. Helenium is an upright annual, biennial or herbaceous perennial with simple leaves and showy daisy-like flowerheads in late summer and fall. This variety looks best in borders but is also often used in cottage or wild gardens. With its dwarfer and good branching habit, Western Mixture is the latest addition to the Helenium range and Fleuroselect’s newest top perennial performer for autumn.


Technical information

Novelty Characteristic:
Dwarfer, true branching habit
Mixture of yellow, red and bicolour
Single, 4-5 cm diameter
Flowering Period:
Perennial, O.P., Diploid
Bedding plant
Approx. 4500 seeds per gram, germination rate 80%
Height 50 cm, spread 40 cm

Growing: Sowing for the pack in February-March at 15-18°C. Grow at 12-16°C, PGR not necessary and transplant in 8 cm pots after 6-8 weeks. Planting: Plant out as of May at a 40 cm x 40 cm distance on a sunny spot. It will take approx. 4 months from sowing to flowering.

Plant out as of May at a 40 cm x 40 cm distance on a sunny spot.

Registration details

Entry number:
Protection Period:
8 years
Expiry Date: