The first dwarf pack type African Marigold with creamy white flowers.
Tagetes erecta (dwarf) WhiteGold Mini

Sowing temperature: 21-22°C | Sowing time pack: Week 6 | Sowing time garden: Week 15 | Sowing conditions: Thoroughly water the media, cover with vermiculite | Germination conditions: Drop temperature by 1-2°C once emerged, dry down slightly to prevent stretch.
Grow at: 18-20°C Day, 16-18°C Night | Transplanting: 3-4 weeks from sowing | Plant out: 7-8 weeks from sowing | Light: High as possible | Cultivation: Avoid over-watering, keep pH above 6.0, feed 1-2 times per week
Planting distance: 30 cm x 30 cm | Tender bedding | Sunny