Cosmos bipinnatus Xanthos

Gold Medal Approved Novelty

Xanthos means yellow in Greek and that’s what this new Cosmos bipinnatus is all about: its unique, soft, stunning yellow colour. Xanthos is dwarf, early flowering and uniform, turning yellow into a professional product. This rich-flowering Cosmos is ideally suited for the patio and terrace and is a true eye catcher in the border. Xanthos adds a completely new colour to the compact Cosmos range. An absolute breakthrough in breeding! 

In detail

Entries in the Fleuroselect trials that score highly on beauty, innovation, use and garden performance are granted a Gold Medal. This prestigious award symbolizes a genuine improvement in breeding. The jury was unanimous that the achievement in introducing soft yellow into compact Cosmos is truly exceptional and gave this newcomer almost full marks. Cosmos bipinnatus Xanthos, an absolutely outstanding 2016 Gold Medal!

Market value

Xanthos is a real treat for the grower as it is more dwarf and uniform. The plants are well branched and also very suitable to grow as a pot plant. Thanks to its compactness, Xanthos is ideal for transport. Retail will rave over this newcomer as Xanthos adds a new colour in the compact Cosmos range. The short production time will make this beauty an early-season, top attraction on the garden center shelves. Cosmos lovers will simply adore the soft yellow colour and the outstanding garden performance. Xanthos, a revolution for the compact Cosmos market.

Background information

Cosmos bipinnatus, commonly called the garden Cosmos or Mexican aster, is a medium-sized flowering herbaceous plant native to Mexico. The species and its varieties and cultivars are popular as an ornamental plant in temperate climate gardens. With Xanthos, Van Hemert & Co has created a Cosmos bipinnatus that is truly unique in its soft yellow colour.

Technical information

Novelty Characteristic:
Dwarf and early flowering yellow Cosmos bipinnatus, unique new colour.
Soft yellow
Single - 6 cm diameter
Flowering Period:
From late June to September
Annual, O.P., Diploid
Bedding plant or cut flower
Approx. 160 seeds per gram, minimum germination rate 90%
Height 60 cm, spread 40 cm, upright branched plant form

Growing: Sowing for pot production from week 10 at 18° C. Direct sowing in the garden from week 18. Planting: Plant out three weeks after sowing at a 25 cm x 25 cm distance on a sunny or half sunny spot. It will take approx. 70 days from sowing to flowering.

Plant out three weeks after sowing at a 25 cm x 25 cm distance on a sunny or half sunny spot. It will take approx. 70 Days from sowing to flowering.

Registration details

Van Hemert & Co.
Entry number:
Protection Period:
8 years
Expiry Date: